Whether you are just starting out in your practice, you’ve been doing this a while and are unhappy, or you’ve had a well-established business for years and want to transition out to the "15K a Day" mentorship program, we'll help you streamline your practice, increase your revenue, and set up your practice to sell while giving you freedom.
Could you do this on your own? Of course...but many people try that and then come to me 6 months later and express their regret.
Regret with having left money on the table.
Regret that they continued to do the work that drains them and doesn’t fill their bank account.
If you ever feel like my team and I are not delivering on what we said, you can leave the mentorship program—no questions asked.
I want you to do this…Picture a day when your practice is running efficiently with structure and less drama.
Picture a day when you are on a 10-day vacation and your partner says, "We have never been able to take 10 days away from the office in one stretch. This is amazing. I’m so happy!"
Picture a day when you have the freedom to work when you want and play when you want.